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Article: Steps worth following for best results!

Steps worth following for best results!

We urge you not to rely on beauty propaganda, which suggests that if you put cream on your face in the evening, you will wake up several years younger in the morning! Unfortunately, this is not even logically possible. Cosmetics alone cannot create miracles. The basic principle of healthy, therefore beautiful skin is cosmetics that take care of skin health in the long term + the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle are followed,” explains LABRAINS creator, environmental specialist and chemist Līga Brūniņa.

In order to get the best possible results when using LABRAINS cosmetics, we encourage you to follow these points as much as possible:

  1. Drink enough liquid, 1-2 l per day, preferably water. Avoid sweetened drinks.
  2. Physical activities every day - at least 45 min, pulse average 100/min.
  3. Walks in the fresh air, watching the weather, adequately protecting the face - special equipment or a silk scarf in windy conditions.
  4. Diet - avoid lactose (except kefir, yogurt without additives), fermented and fresh food, avoid fried, fatty meat dishes, sugars - replace with those with a glycemic index close to 0 (xylitol).
  5. Give up/minimize the amount of alcohol, smoking.
  6. From in the morning, in the evening (and after sports), use a clean towel every time, change the pillowcase every night.
  7. Sleep mode - 8 hours of quality sleep.
  8. Sun - use of broad-spectrum UVA/UVB, screen radiation (blue light) sunscreens from digital devices.
  9. Don't worry or stress yourself out if this daily routine breaks down, just get back into it as soon as possible.
  10. Do not use other cosmetic products that contain: microplastic, microbase, silicone-derived ingredients, synthetic and natural preservatives traditionally used, such as alcohol, benzyl alcohol, benzoate, phenoxyethanol, PEG, parabens, phthalates, etc., which may cause skin irritation or negative effects on the endocrine system.

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